The Magdalene Codes
A Pilgrimage of Soul Remembrance
September 21st -28th South of France
At the base of the Mystical and Multidimensional mount Bugarach in South of France
In the footsteps of Mary Magdalene, Yeshua and the Essene wisdom traditions of ancient Egypt.
We gather
In caves
On the mountain
In churches
In sacred waters
and in circle around our altars.
And through ritual, prayer and ceremony.
Anointed by the sacred medicines of cacao, blue lotus, ormus and rose.
We sing. We sound. We dance. We laugh.
We sweat. We rinse. We cry and we release.
We listen into the void
We hear the voices of our ancestors and intergalactic friends
And We Remember
The ancient ways of channeling our multidimensional selves into this world
Yielding its power to become deeper vessels of love and peace
And together
We gather courage
To shine our sacred purpose and light unapologetically into this life, our relations and our communities.
And we fall into deeper love & alignment with our soul path
And surrender
Our fears and resistance
And devote our lives to divine destiny
For the highest good of all
This coming September 21st - 28th 2025 we are gathering again at the foot of The Sacred Mountain Bugarach in the South of France - the epicenter of one of the strongest fields of Christed Consciousness on our planet. Mary Magdalene and the Essenes lived their sacred work on these lands after their banishment from Jerusalem. We will join them on a pilgrimage on these sacred grounds. To initiate deep soul remembrance: what is my sacred work and where am I on my soul journey? To activate our Multidimensional powers through sound, ritual and ceremony: how can I embody my full soul potential? To celebrate our light and awaken the ancient codes of the Feminine way of the Magdalenes; how can I lead my life and tribe from the heart? To empower our voice to channel healing sounds sourced from these lands and the field of Christed Consciousness. And to allow ourselves to heal, balance our masculine and feminine energies and ultimately fall deeper into love with life.
This is also a roll call for all souls connected with the initiation archetype of Yeshua and Mary Magdelene and their Mystery School traditions. Of their sacred tantric sound practices to empower their love, light and service. An invitation to remember the tribal ways of the Essenes, their path of prayer and grounded light work in community. And a roll call to all beings who resonate with the sound and energy technology of the Arcturians. Here is a personal invitation from Thomas, the founder of Sounds of Light:
"I first encountered the Essenes through my sound initiations with Jonathan Goldman - and later heard of Mount Bugarach and the Magdalene codes from Tom Kenyon during his live retreats. Tom met the Arcturians (Yeshua and Mary Magdalene are arcturian avatars) in a UFO on top of Mount Bugarach and channeled his first sound transmission from the Arcturians and the Hathors on these sacred lands. Whenever I arrive in this field - and journey to the top of Bugarach - my multidimensional self lights up and I enter a timeless state of remembering, downloading parts of my self and getting massive clarity on my soul and life purpose. I invite you to join us in a tribal experience of remembering and activating our soul mission and to receive the transmission from the Arcturians, Yeshua and of course Mary Magdalene. "
This pilgrimage consists of 1 week of multidimensional activation through:
Ancient sound practices especially the tantric chakra toning practice of the Essenes
Nature connection and communion with the elementals of these lands (including immersing in sacred waters)
Rebirthing baptism & Ceremonial Vows
Vocal embodiment practices
Ritual and ceremony supported by singing and cacao
Tribal vibration and sacred circle
Pilgrimage to some of the energetic vortex spots in this area incl. a special Fall Equinox Ritual at the top of Mount Bugarach
This journey takes place in a small intimate tribal setting. In a private sanctuary on land directly facing Mount Bugarach.
How to get here: Flights to Toulouse and train, car or bus to the Village of Bugarach
(all explained upon signup)
Full Price 1330 Euros - payment plans available
Price included shared dorm accommodation (private room upgrades available), 3 vegan meals a day, daily cacao, blue lotus and rose rituals and Ormus activations.
Small group journey with limited spots
Feeling called to join?
Learn more through the Sound Transmissions of Tom Kenyon: and
and the following books
Anna - Grandmother of Jesus by Claire Heartsong
The Arcturians - The Hathor Material - The Magdalene Manuscript by Tom Kenyon
Chakra Frequencies by Joshua Goldman
The Law of Light and the O Manuscript by Lars Muhl