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Elemental Sound Healing Retreat
Activate your Voice with the Elements

Jotunheimen, Norway
June 18th-22nd 2025

"When the threshold is removed
When the child feels safe to reemerge
When Sound and Natur
e is the catalyst
I grow, I co
me to know
Myself, And be, All that"

Are you longing to open your voice, authentic expression and primal power? To tap into your essence frequency, your truth, your soul and heart? To re-wild and re-connect your life through nature and with tribe who truly see you?

Come to the Norwegian Mountain Wilderness of Jotunheimen and find your inner power, peace and voice in nature with soul tribe - in one of the most pristine, wild and truly high frequency vortexes of the North.           

Learn more

We invite you on a unique alchemical journey of sound, nature and tribal connection in the Norwegian Mountains of Jotunheimen. Together our purpose is to come into deep embodied resonance with our true nature, authentic aliveness and primal energy. We will free our voices and immerse in sound and singing. Surrender to and move with our hearts and present moment aliveness in circle. And sink deep into the earth and raw energy of the ancient and pristine Norwegian nature. It will be a transformational & tribal journey of circling into deep heart presence, personal growth, soul remembrance, connection, love, truth, power, innocence & playfulness. 
This retreat contains 4 very potent ingredients, together forming a powerful recipe for magic, expansion and gratitude for life.
Using the magic of SOUND and VOICE to activate our life force
 In this retreat we hold a safe space to explore and free two of the most powerful tools of naked self-expression; our voice and intuitive musicality. We will circle together with sound as our tour-guide to open our creative channel and gain trust in following our musical impulses. In playful ways, we will support you to transform the limiting beliefs around your voice and capacity to make music that might come up in this journey. Different guided sound and vocal practices from ancient (mystery school) traditions as well as intuitive shamanic practices will let you experience the power of sound as a tool to shift and move energy and get into deep connection with your multidimensional self. We will also open up our Sound Temple spaces where we co-create (rhythmic) sound scapes and songs together and facilitate musical meeting points that will allow us to experience the real mystery of sound! Using the power of NATURE to connect to our primal essenceWe will spend a lot of time outdoors in wild nature to immerse ourselves in the pureness and rawness of the Norwegian mountains. The geometrical perfection and beauty of nature will be a source of inspiration for our creativity to flow. And the elements will play an important role in activating our authentic aliveness and initiate deep soul remembrance. Drumming around the fire, cleansing in the glacial waterfalls, climbing to the top of the mountains and standing in the wind will help us free our primal sounds. We will connect to nature spirits and elementals, listen to their wisdom and communicate with them through sounds. Silence time in nature will allow us to further integrate the journey of personal growth we are taking together. 

Using the bounty of CACAO to sink into deep heart presence
Over the years we have cultivated a unique alchemy of cacao, sound and prayer. We love how cacao gives access to our intuition, and hearts, and leads to a very expanded state of awareness. This is truly one of the planet's most feminine heart teachers and communing with her for a week will offer a deep journey into your heart and initiation into the cosmic heart.

Using the wisdom of TRIBE for soul remembrance
We live in strange times where we are all being called into more of our authentic self, truth and power. Now is the time to find community spaces where we are supported into being our true self and stretching into our longings and yearnings for real. This retreat is such a space, an alchemical cauldron of loving presence where we will be deeply met, seen and attuned through connection, sound, nature and through our own personal surrender. We believe that when a group of beings come together around a common fire or intention, magic occurs easily and effortlessly. That is why we are coming together as a tribe in the perfect constellation because on a soul-level we have already all agreed to meet in this present moment. Each and everyone will represent an unmissable part of the whole. And because we will all mirror different parts in each-other, we will also experience the wholeness in ourselves. By being together in ceremony, ritual and play we will activate multidimensional remembrance. During the special solstice celebration, we will also honor the cyclic nature and joy of living in a tribe.


Soleggen is a power spot in the northern part of the National Park of Jotunheimen in Norway. Our indoor journeying space is a warm and spacious dome just adjacent to the Solegggen Fjellstue. The dome was intentionally built as a space for meditation, movement, sound and healing. The whole area is a magnificent nature dome at the European crown chakra, a place of extremely high vibration that will hold deep space for our journey.


Elemental Sound & Nature Retreat June 18th-22nd 2025


The location of the Soleggen Retreat Center is in Jotunheimen National Park close to the town of Otta ( You can either drive to the retreat center. Or fly to Oslo Airport (Gardemoen) and  take a train and a bus to a rendez-vous location close to the center (we pick you up and drive you the last 20 min into the mountains) We advise arriving in Norway a day before the retreat starts - this is to ensure you can make it to our scheduled rendez-vous in time (around 13-14pm on the first day of the retreat). There is only 1 early train and bus departure from Oslo airport or Oslo Train Station that will ensure your arrival in time (usually departs around 8 am). Let us know if you have any questions


  • ​Full Vegan Board and Accomodation

  • ​Nature Power Spot Initiations (like hikes to mountain tops, glacial waterfall immersion, glacial lake dips, forrest foraging).

  • Sound & Cacao Circles: We will free our voices and intuitive musicality through a unique sound improvisation method where we experiment with creating sound, song and music together. Everyone will find their musicality, voice & sound through this type of circlework. 

  • ​Morning practices, mantra singing and various sound transmissions and journeys

  • Temple Spaces (for sound rituals and prayer)

  • Integration circles

  • Downtime



880 Euro

Repeater price: 770 Euro (for people who have taken this retreat in the past)

Referral bonus: Refer a friend and receive 100 euro discount or cash in hand. 

Price includes

Shared room, full board vegan meals and daily cacao

Feel free to reach out to us at

practical details
Pictures from previous years

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© 2018 Sounds of Light. Created with love & light by Mini Perspectief

Majority of images & video by Hana Wolf Photography

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